Closed Source vs Open Source 3D Printers - Pros, Cons, and Comparison

September 15, 2021


Welcome to the world of 3D printing, where you can bring your imagination to life. 3D printing technology has come a long way since it was first introduced in the 1980s. Nowadays, 3D printers are accessible and affordable to almost everyone. However, when it comes to choosing a 3D printer, there are two main categories: closed source and open source. In this blog post, we'll explore the pros and cons of both types of printers and help you choose the best one for your needs.

Closed Source 3D Printers

Closed source 3D printers are the type of printers that come with proprietary software and firmware. In simpler terms, it only allows you to use the software/firmware provided by the manufacturer. Such printers are popular among users who want a plug-and-play experience and don't want to spend time tinkering with their printer. Here are the pros and cons of closed source 3D printers:


  • Easy to use: Closed source printers come with software that is specifically designed for that printer. This means that you won't have to waste time tinkering with the settings, and you can start printing right away.
  • Stable and reliable: Since the software and firmware are specifically designed for that printer, closed source printers tend to be more stable and reliable than open source printers.
  • Support: Closed source printers usually have better customer support options because of their strong relationship with their customers. Manufacturers can easily troubleshoot and resolve any issues that their customers face.


  • Limited customization: Closed source printers don't allow users to modify the software/firmware according to their needs. This restriction limits customization and flexibility.
  • Extra costs: Since closed source printers come with proprietary software/firmware, upgrades are usually expensive. You'll have to buy upgrades that are compatible with your printer.
  • Closed ecosystem: Closed source printers are limited to the manufacturer's ecosystem, and third-party upgrades are usually unavailable. This limits the user's experience and restricts them to use only the manufacturer's supplies.

Open Source 3D Printers

Open source 3D printers are the type of printers that allow you to modify the hardware, software, and firmware according to your needs. You're free to use any software/firmware you want, and you can customize the printer to make it suit your needs. Here are the pros and cons of open source 3D printers:


  • Customization: Open source printers allow users to modify the software/firmware and hardware according to their needs. This flexibility allows users to create unique and custom-made prints.
  • Cost-effective: Since open source printers are not limited to the manufacturer's ecosystem, users have access to third-party upgrades and modifications. This allows users to upgrade their printer at a lower cost.
  • Community and Support: Open source printers have a strong community that provides support to its users. Users can troubleshoot any issues or ask for advice from the community.


  • Learning curve: Open source printers have a steep learning curve. Users need to have technical knowledge to modify the software/firmware and hardware.
  • Stability and reliability: Open source printers tend to be less stable and reliable than closed source printers as they rely on community support.
  • Compatibility issues: Third-party upgrades can cause compatibility issues with the printer. Users need to make sure that the upgrades they use are compatible with their printer.


Features Closed Source Printers Open Source Printers
Cost Expensive Affordable
Customization Limited customization Unlimited customization
Stability and Reliability Stable and reliable Less stable and reliable
Customer Support Good customer support Community-based support
Learning Curve Easy to use Steep learning curve
Compatibility Closed ecosystem Open ecosystem


Choosing a 3D printer can be an overwhelming experience, but by considering the pros and cons of closed source and open source 3D printers, you can make an informed decision. Closed source 3D printers are great for beginners who want a plug-and-play experience, while open source 3D printers are ideal for users who have technical knowledge and want to customize their printer. Ultimately, the best printer for you depends on your needs and preferences.


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